just in time coaching...Sometimes, you need a hit it and quit it session. Spot Coaching is a one-time session that offers clients space to look at a singular issue with an immediate action.
Spot Coaching is useful when:
Spot Coaching is for you if:
Spot Coaching is not for you if you are looking to support a larger vision or more than one area of focus in your life. I invite you to take a look at the six-month coaching container for more information related to coaching.
next stepsInvestment
Choose the tier that is a stretch but not a hardship $400/45-minute session if you are sponsored by an employer or financially thriving $250/45-minute session if you are a small business owner or financially stable It is my vision to support people from economically diverse situations. As a reflection of that, I do offer a sliding scale on my fee structure. When you pay on the higher end of the scale, you are offering a way to ensure services for those who may find coaching out of their financial reach. If you have any questions on the sliding scale, please contact me prior to scheduling. What You'll Get